Land Clearing Services
Sticks and Stones Land Management offers a wide range of Land Clearing Services, including:
Get in touchAsk us for more photos and details of Land Clearing jobs we’ve performed.
Above is an example you will find on FM 149 outside of Montgomery TX.
Over 10 years of experience
Qualified personnel
Work to fit your timetable
What do you want your finished product to look like?
- Fresh green lush yard with a few mature trees – with Excavator, Dozer, or Large CTL with Intimidator attachment – clearing to the dirt. Can be prepped for grass with a Harley Rake attachment.
- Building Site – Root Rake the site until it is clean – removing all stumps and debris. Remove top soils and build a pad using quality Select-fill with compaction. We recommend a minimum 12” thick pad.
- Open Field, Pasture, or Field Maintenance – with a High Flow Mower or Drum Mulcher.

Mulching or Hydro Ax
A process that is used to quickly turn underbrush and trees into small chips and sticks which…
More about Mulching
Brush Hog / Shredder
This is a clean way to make paths or cut weeds and vines that a Hydro Ax Mulcher can’t get.
More about Brush Hog
Stump Grinding
An integral part of land clearing, grinding your tree stumps out of the ground is an important…
More about Stump Grinding
Depending on the size or weight of the excavator, it can quickly take towering trees down and…
More about Excavators
Harley Rake Soil Processor
Once you have the dirt in the general shape and elevation you’re looking for, we can bring…
More about Harley Rakes
Tree Cutting
When you need tree cutting as part of your land clearing project, we can help.
More about Tree CuttingThe Intimidator
This is a unique piece of equipment that is a perfect piece to use in tight small places that are…
More about The Intimidator